Our Past and Forthcoming Events

Turkish Neurosurgical Society (TNS) /
WFNS International Basic Neurosurgery Course

March, Antalya

Turkish Neurosurgical Society 
Stereotactic and Functional WG

March, Denizli

Turkish Neurosurgical Society 27th Scientific Congress

Hypertension, Dialysis and
Transplantation Foundation
2nd Recent Advances in HDT Meeting

April, Bursa

Turkish Neurosurgical Society (TNS)/
MNS CNC Course

July, Samsun

Turkish Neurosurgical Society (TNS) 
Spine and Peripherical Nerve Surgery WG

September, Izmir

Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry
6th International Scientific Congress

November, Istanbul

Turkish Neurosurgical Society (TNS)
Neuroanatomy Symposium
November, Istanbul

Neurovascular Symposium
December, Istanbul

Neurooncology Symposium
December, Istanbul


Turkish Society of Oral Implantology
26th International Scientific Congress

January, Istanbul 

Marmara University Faculty of 
Medicine Paediatry Dept.
2nd Paeditry Congress

January , Istanbul 

Neuromodulation Research and Education Association Cadaveur Course on Neurostimulation                         March , Istanbul 

Hypertension, Dialysis and 
Transplantation Society
4th Recent Advances in HDT Meeting

April, Sapanca

Turkish Society of Pediatric Dermatology Annual Course
November, Trabzon


Bakırkoy Mental Hospital
 7. Bakırkoy Neuro-psychiatry Days
January, Istanbul

Turkish Society of Oral Implantology
27th International Scientific Congress

January, Istanbul 

Hypertension, Dialysis and 
Transplantation Society
6th Recent Advances in HDT Meeting

April, Sapanca

Neuromodulation Research and Education Association Cadaveur Course on Back Pain
March, Istanbul

World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies WFNS 2017 Istanbul
August, Istanbul

ISMISS - Middle East Spine Society Joint Meeting of Istanbul Spine Masters
October, Istanbul 


Turkish Society of Oral Implantology
30th International Scientific Congress
January, Istanbul

Turkish Blood Foundation
8th Anatolian Blood Days

March, Antalya

Turkish Blood Foundation - Turkish Society of Blood Banks and Transfusion
XII. National Congress of Blood Banks and Transfusion Medicine

March, Antalya

Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Society
8th Congress of Current Kidney Disease Hypertension Transplantation
April, Sapanca

ISMISS - Middle East Spine Society
Joint Meeting of Istanbul Spine Masters 
May, Istanbul


Marmara University Faculty of 
Medicine Pediatry Dept.
1st Paeditry Congress

January , Istanbul 

Turkish Society of Oral Implantology
25th International Scientific Congress

January, Istanbul 

Turkish Neurosurgical Society 
International Basic Neurosurgery Course

March, Antalya

Stereotactic and Functional WG
March, Bursa

28th Scientific Congress
April , Antalya

Hypertension, Dialysis and 
Transplantation Society
3rdRecent Advances in HDT Meeting

April, Sapanca

Turkish Dental Association
20th International Dental Congress

May, Kuşadası

Turkish Neurosurgical Society (TNS)
Spine and Peripherical Nerve Surgery 
WG – Summer School

June, Gaziantep

10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons

September, Astana

8th Asia Pacific Cervical Spine Meeting

November, Istanbul


November, Izmir

Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry
6th International Scientific Congress

November, İstanbul


Turkish Society of Oral Implantology
26th International Scientific Congress

January, Istanbul 

Marmara University Faculty of 
Medicine Paediatry Dept.
3rd Pediatry Congress

February, Istanbul

Hypertension, Dialysis and 
Transplantation Society
5th Recent Advances in HDT Meeting

April, Sapanca 

Craniovertebral Junction And Spine Society 2nd Internatıonal Congress of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine Society 
May, Istanbul

Turkish Society of Pediatric Pulmonolgy 1st Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology
September, Istanbul

19 Mayis Uni. & Euro & Maastrch Uni. 3rd Clinical Neuroscience Course   
October, Samsun

ISMISS - Middle East Spine Society Joint Meeting of Istanbul Spine Masters 
October, Istanbul 

Turkish Society of Algology 14th Congress of Algology
November, Antalya

Turkish Society of Dermatologic Surgery 6th Congress of Dermatologic Surgery
November, Ankara


Turkish Society of Oral Implantology
28th International Scientific Congress

January, Istanbul

Neuromodulation Research and Education Association Cadaveur Course on Back Pain
March, Istanbul 

7th Congress of the Turkish Society for Dermatologic Surgery
April, Ankara 

15th Pain Congress with International Participitation,
November, Antalya 

Association of Clinical Biochemistry Specialists Congress & Lab Expo 2018

October, Antalya

Turkish Society of Pediatric Pulmonolgy 3rd Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology
September, Istanbul

ISMISS - Middle East Spine Society
Joint Meeting of Istanbul Spine Masters

Koç University, May 201, Istanbul

Turkish Society of Pediatric Dermatology
8th National Pediatric Dermatology Days
Kayseri, April 2018

Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Society 7th Current Kidney Disease HT Meeting
Bursa, April 2018